Imagine learning about Gosho such as ‘The Dragon Gate’, ‘The Teaching, Practice and Proof’, ‘Winter Always Turns to Spring’ and ‘On Repaying Debts of Gratitude’ among many others, in easy Cub-friendly language! It is never too early to read the Gosho! And with Gosho for the Lion Cub, it’s never been easier!
The book’s five chapters have been put together to give Cubs a comprehensive understanding of Nichiren Buddhism. The chapters are:
Nichiren Daishonin
The Spirit of Mentor and Disciple
The Soka Gakkai
Challenge and Courage
Friendship and Justice
Presented in a warm and friendly question-and-answer format, Professor Leon gives very simple and pertinent answers to a slew of questions asked by the curious kids, Mia and Mahir, who could very well be our Cubs next door. Their questions have a familiar ring to them — ‘What kind of person was Nichiren Daishonin?’, ‘Is it alright not to do what I don’t want to do?’, ‘I’ve tried everything but nothing works’ and ‘How powerful is daimoku?’ and more.
This book will not only familiarize the Gosho to our young readers but will also acquaint them with the organization and mentors of the Soka Gakkai. Replete with delightful colour illustrations and cute drawings of the adorable kids and their teacher, this book has a magnetic visual appeal that will have every Cub wanting to have his or her own book.
So, get your kids to read it on their own, with their friends or with their leaders and watch them grow from Cubs into lions, with the practice of Nichiren Buddhism!
In fact, this enchanting book will draw readers of every age, guaranteeing enjoyable and engaging moments each time the book is opened!
Eternal Ganges