Nichiren Daishonin's writings provide a practical formula for enabling all people to achieve victory in every aspect of their lives and attain an unshakable state of happiness.
This volume of Learning from Nichiren's Writings: The Teachings for Victory contains SGI President Daisaku Ikeda's lectures on nine of Nichiren's letters:
‘On the Offering of a Mud Pie
'A Father Takes Faith'
'How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra'
'Letter to the Lay Priest Nakaoki'
'Letter to Konichi-bo'
'The Good Medicine for All Ills'
'The Four Debts of Gratitude'
'On the Treasure Tower'
'Letter from Teradomari'
President Ikeda elucidates the importance of studying Nichiren's writings as the foundation of Nichiren Buddhism as practiced by Soka Gakkai International. His lectures bring Nichiren's immense wisdom, compassion and courage into focus for the present age. In reading and studying these lectures, we learn how to apply in daily life Nichiren's profound philosophy for inner transformation and victory for both ourselves and others.
The Teachings for Victory will empower you to develop the strength and wisdom to bring forth your inherent potential.
Published by World Tribune Press. Paperback. 10''x7'
This volume of Learning from Nichiren's Writings: The Teachings for Victory contains SGI President Daisaku Ikeda's lectures on nine of Nichiren's letters:
‘On the Offering of a Mud Pie
'A Father Takes Faith'
'How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra'
'Letter to the Lay Priest Nakaoki'
'Letter to Konichi-bo'
'The Good Medicine for All Ills'
'The Four Debts of Gratitude'
'On the Treasure Tower'
'Letter from Teradomari'
President Ikeda elucidates the importance of studying Nichiren's writings as the foundation of Nichiren Buddhism as practiced by Soka Gakkai International. His lectures bring Nichiren's immense wisdom, compassion and courage into focus for the present age. In reading and studying these lectures, we learn how to apply in daily life Nichiren's profound philosophy for inner transformation and victory for both ourselves and others.
The Teachings for Victory will empower you to develop the strength and wisdom to bring forth your inherent potential.
Published by World Tribune Press. Paperback. 10''x7'