Their village had been bombed and decimated by war, and there was little hope that things would return to normal. But the small, homeless cat that Yumiko and Taichi befriend leads them to discover an old, dead-looking cherry tree. And their decision to care for it throughout the winter despite its sad appearance ends up bringing hope to the entire village.
Written by Daisaku Ikeda
Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith
Translated by Geraldine McCaughrean
Published by Treasure Tower Books
1' 3/8" x 9' 5/8"
Hardcover 32 pgs
Written by Daisaku Ikeda
Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith
Translated by Geraldine McCaughrean
Published by Treasure Tower Books
1' 3/8" x 9' 5/8"
Hardcover 32 pgs