By Daisaku Ikeda.
This ongoing novelized history of the Soka Gakkai, contains not only episodes from the past but timeless guidance in faith.
Chapter Summary
Chapter 1: Wisdom and Courage, The Okinawa Student Division members spoke to their extremist counterparts of the New Left students, telling them that it was wrong to advocate violence, and that people's happiness could not be secured through reformation that sacrifices their humanity.
Chapter 2: Mission, Shin'ichi was keenly aware of the important mission that nurses had and formed a group called the White Birch Group so that the Soka Gakkai members in the nursing profession could make a continuous effort to polish themselves and become indispensable to their workplaces.
Chapter 3: Fierce Winds, An intense struggle in which Shin'ichi pushes himself beyond his limits through severe illness for a guidance trip spanning Osaka, Wakayama, Nara and Mie prefectures from Dec. 20 - 23, 1969.
Chapter 4: Mighty River, On May 3, 1970, the Thirty-third Soka Gakkai Headquarters General Meeting took place, marking Shin'ichi's tenth anniversary as president. The current of Soka was at last expanding from a rushing stream into a mighty river, making its way for the ocean of happiness and peace for all humanity.
World Tribune Press, Paperback, 5" x 8", 368 pgs.