By Daisaku Ikeda. This ongoing novelized history of the Soka Gakkai, contains not only episodes from the past but timeless guidance in faith. World Tribune Press, Paperback, 5" x 8", 368 pgs. Chapter Summary Chapter 1: A New Era The opening of the Grand Reception Hall and the three-million-member general pilgrimage to the head temple. Chapter 2: Young Phoenixes The Young Men's Division Leaders and the Young Women's Division Leaders Meeting took place on June 1 & 2, 1964 and the high school division and junior high school division were both established within the youth division. Chapter 3: Brilliant Light Shin'ichi is very happy that people who want to travel abroad to promote kosen-rufu on their own initiative are starting to emerge in Hong Kong and Thailand. Chapter 4: Hope of the People In October 1964, the Eighteenth Olympic Games take place in Tokyo. To speak with the people, to fight for the people and to die among the people--this was the noble spirit of the members of the Komei Political Federation.