By Daisaku Ikeda.
This ongoing novelized history of the Soka Gakkai, contains not only episodes from the past but timeless guidance in faith.
Chapter Summary
Chapter 1: Main Bastion, In February, 1973 Shin'ichi Yamamoto's impassioned encouragement to the members of the Soka Gakkai's main bastion, Tokyo, aimed at enabling them to soar boundlessly into the second chapter of kosen-rufu, continued on a weekly basis.
Chapter 2: Hope, On April 11, Shin'ichi attended the first entrance ceremony of the Soka Girls Junior Senior High Schools. He said: "The twenty-first century will be the Century of Women." At that time, your former students will be active as the new leaders of the movement for humanism. That gives me great hope. I look forward to it."
Chapter 3: Citadel of the People, In July, 1957, the Soka Gakkai had been beset with oppression by the authorities in a series of events that later became known as the Osaka Incident. Shin'ichi vowed deeply to himself that he would build an indestructible citadel of the people and of humanism, and continue his struggle against the devilish nature of authority throughout his life.
Chapter 4: Green Fields, On June 5, Shin'ichi gazed out at the beautiful green fields of Fukui through the train window. He arrived at Takefu Station, near the prefecture leaders meeting venue. He began his wholehearted encouragement of members.
World Tribune Press, Paperback, 5" x 8", 400 pgs